Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Quirky but Boring

Amelia's mom put out a challenge to list 6 little know quirky but boring things about ourselves. Well anyone who knows me would agree that I should have no trouble coming up with 6 quirky things, lol. Ok, so here is my list

1. I can't stand for the different foods on my plate to touch or run together. My parents think
is so stupid but I can't help it. It freaks me out.

2. I can't read a book with a messed up spine or pages. I have never enjoyed library books or
borrowing books, and I freak if someone borrows one of mine and messes it up. The same
for magazines. If they get wet or creased in the mail I go nuts.

3. I am totally addicted to Harry Potter fan fiction. I read some everyday online. People write
stories about the characters and what happened to them after the books end or scenes
that were left out of the books. There are some that are stupid but some are really good.
I am even working on a story of my own. I highly recommend the website,
it is the best by far and has tons on Ron & Hermione, my fav characters

4. I am addicted to nose spray. Just ask Amelia or Jaime, it is a horrible habit. I always have
some with me.

5. I tend to eat the same things over and over. I could eat the same thing for lunch every day
it wouldn't really bother me. I take spells and change what the "it" thing is every once is a
while. Right now it is these low fat pizza bites, a $.99 frozen dinner from walmart. Weird
I know.

6. I hate hot liquids. I don't do coffee, hot tea or hot chocolate. I don't even like soup. Don't ask
but they make me thirsty.


Anonymous said...

You are too funny! Nick and Ben are the same way about not wanting their food to touch. Nick is not as bad as Ben but he gets upset when his rolls get soggy from other foods! :-)

Arlene G said...

Thanks for is interesting to see what funny traits we have.

Jaime said...

amen on the nose spray! ha! you crack me up with that stuff. you should own stock in it.

azhulsey said...

I don't like my food to touch either!! We all have our quirks but it's funny because when I read yours and Amelia's we have quirks in common. Does that make it un-quirky? haha