Friday, August 29, 2008

Thank Heaven for Long Weekends

I don't know about you, but I can't remember the last time I have needed a long weekend more. I have been trying to get sick all week and it really caught up to me yesterday. I had the most unbearable headache all day. It eased up some last night but I woke up at 3:30 this morning throwing up with the headache worse than before. I tried to go to work but got sick as soon as I got there. Dr. Hardy & Paige kicked me out. Dr. Hardy has been sick all week and didn't want it again. So I came home and I have slept all day. I guess I didn't realize how tired I was. My head feels much better tonight but now I have a horrible sore throat. YUCK !! But at least it is a long weekend. I plan on taking it easy that is for sure.

I am excited that everyone seems to like my little story I am working on. I tend to skip around a lot. I can't seem to write it in order. Here is a preview of a little note that will be important later in the story. Have a good weekend all. And if you have any ideas for the story, be sure to send them my way.

Once, a long time ago, you told me I had the emotional range of a teaspoon. Tonight I intend to prove you wrong.

For once don’t argue. You have 30 minutes to put on what is in this box and meet me at the bottom of the stairs.

Love Ron

P.S. Don’t bother questioning Harry or Ginny, they aren’t going to tell you anything.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What Do You Think ??

Ok so I had to write some this morning. I have to clear some of this out of my head. So I thought I would post a little teaser. These are the first few paragraphs of Chapter 1 in my story. Read away and let me know what you think. Please be brutally honest. I promise I can handle the truth.

There was something so strange about it. Ever since the final battle last Friday, the sun had shown so brightly every day. It seemed so unfair that this spring was so perfect when they were all so filled with grief. Harry was lying on his back in the middle of the field behind the Burrow. This had become his hiding place over the last week. That first night after the battle he had stayed at Hogwarts. The next morning Ron wouldn’t take no for an answer and made him go back to the Burrow with the rest of the family. He didn’t want to be there. He felt so guilty it was choking him. There was such a cloud that hung over everything. Fred was gone. And George may as well have been too. He just sat in the corner of his old bedroom staring into space. He wouldn’t even come down to eat. Mrs. Weasley was pitiful, bursting into sobs every 5 minutes. Ron was just so angry, snapping everyone’s head off at the drop of a hat. And Ginny….that one hurt the most. She looked at him with this anxious look in her eyes, expecting something, any sign of life from him. He couldn’t bear to look at her. It was just too hard. He wasn’t ready for this. And what was this? If this was what life after the war was going to be like, Harry thought he might prefer the old tent in the woods instead.

He had been to so many funerals in the past few days. They had all started to run together. Hermione insisted they attend as many of them as possible. Colin Creeley’s was very hard. His muggle family had a hard time understanding what was going on and what had happened. Yesterday had been the worst yet, for Remus and Tonks. He had seen his godson for the first time. Little Teddy looked like his mom, with his bright turquoise hair. He squirmed and cried all during the service. It was like he knew that all this was wrong, that his parents should still be here with him. Mrs. Tonks had tried to get me to hold him. I just couldn’t, it was just too much. People were constantly coming up and shaking my hand, congratulating me. He just wanted to scream. DON”T YOU SEE! DON”T YOU CARE, THEY ARE DEAD!

So he had retreated back to this field, with the grass up to his knees. He laid here for hours on end, almost invisible. That was exactly what he wanted to be right now.

“Ron, is Harry in there with you?” Hermione stopped short of opening the door. She didn’t want to take the chance that Ron was in there changing.

“I haven’t seen him all morning, he was already gone when I woke up.”

Hermione could feel the tears starting again.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So Much Going On !!

I know 2 days in a row of blogging goodness !! What can I say, I need to vent. There is just so much going on right now, my head is spinning. Ok, let's start with Paige. For those who don't know, Paige is my friend that I have worked with since the beginning at Dr Hardy's. She is like my little sister. I love her dearly, even though I sometimes want to bang her head against the wall. So, she is getting married on October 11 at Quail Run in Hartselle. I get the joy of being her wedding planner, lol. So Kelly and I are trying to get a quick shower together too. All this has developed over the last week. Paige has been engaged for about 6 weeks but we found out last week that she is going to have a baby. GOOD LORD !!! Well, we found out today that little bit will arrive around April 17. So now, between Sept 20 and November 7 I have 9 birthdays, 2 babies and 1 wedding in my little universe. I think I need to make a list !!!!!!!!

On to some more of my foolishness. Everyone knows i have been rambling on about my writing for a couple of months. I have also developed a total obsession with reading Harry Potter fan fiction online. So I have decided to combine the 2. To practice for some of my original stuff, I have decided to write my own Harry Potter stuff. I have been working this out in my head for a week or so and I started writing a little yesterday. Today I worked out an outline of the chapters. Now I just have to get it out of my head on onto paper. So I thought I would give you a teaser of my outline. It might not make sense to some, but to all the Potter lovers out there, you will definitely understand. The story starts one week after the final battle at Fred's funeral.
Here are the tentative title names:

1. Too Much Grief
2. Back From Down Under
3. Pity Party
4. Offers
5. Return to the Burrow
6. Godric's Hollow
7. The Honorable House of Potter
8. Nightmares & Burnt Toast
9. Christmas in July
10. Yule Ball Redo
11. Awkward Morning
12. Flying Lessons
13. Return of the World
14. Sticks & Stones
15. Oddness
16. Christmas Eve Surprise

Now this is the bulk of the original story I have laid out but I will probably add more. This is the part that is well developed for now. Let me know what you think. My blogging friends need to get on the ball !!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Musings

I am sorry for being such a bad blogger. I was busy over the weekend putting together some more stuff to put on ebay. I am trying to clear some of this stuff out of the way so I can get to work on some special projects. I am have so many things going on right now that will be calling for special gifts. Not to mention the fact that I am bound and determined to make my Christmas cards too. I ordered the cutest stamp on ebay today. It is an owl wearing a Santa hat !! I know, I'm a nerd.

I am excited about our new book club that had its first meeting on Friday. I must admit the first book, A Bunny's Tale, isn't really my normal pick. But that is the goal after all, to read some stuff I wouldn't normally. I ordered it over the weekend and I am anxious to get started on it. I think we are going to have a lot of fun. Hopefully we can get some more folks to sign up too.

I had some super secret news today. I am over the moon !!!!! Hopefully I can share soon for those who don't already know. Let's just say we are going to have a very special spring this year. Hope everyone has a super week. Hopefully, I will be a better blogger.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Quirky but Boring

Amelia's mom put out a challenge to list 6 little know quirky but boring things about ourselves. Well anyone who knows me would agree that I should have no trouble coming up with 6 quirky things, lol. Ok, so here is my list

1. I can't stand for the different foods on my plate to touch or run together. My parents think
is so stupid but I can't help it. It freaks me out.

2. I can't read a book with a messed up spine or pages. I have never enjoyed library books or
borrowing books, and I freak if someone borrows one of mine and messes it up. The same
for magazines. If they get wet or creased in the mail I go nuts.

3. I am totally addicted to Harry Potter fan fiction. I read some everyday online. People write
stories about the characters and what happened to them after the books end or scenes
that were left out of the books. There are some that are stupid but some are really good.
I am even working on a story of my own. I highly recommend the website,
it is the best by far and has tons on Ron & Hermione, my fav characters

4. I am addicted to nose spray. Just ask Amelia or Jaime, it is a horrible habit. I always have
some with me.

5. I tend to eat the same things over and over. I could eat the same thing for lunch every day
it wouldn't really bother me. I take spells and change what the "it" thing is every once is a
while. Right now it is these low fat pizza bites, a $.99 frozen dinner from walmart. Weird
I know.

6. I hate hot liquids. I don't do coffee, hot tea or hot chocolate. I don't even like soup. Don't ask
but they make me thirsty.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Frosticulous John
12/23/2000 to 08/18/2008 - my sweet angel

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thank You

I just wanted to do a quick post and thank everyone for their kind words and wishes over this difficult weekend. It means the world to me. I have come to a peaceful place with what has to happen. It doesn't mean I have stopped crying a little, just that I have resigned myself to what has to happen. Frosty had a really bad day today. It was obvious that he was in pain. As hard as it is, I guess that makes this a little easier. I know he will be ok soon. My dad is going to take him either tomorrow or Tuesday. My mom said that she isn't going to tell me until it is all over. My sweet daddy has even fixed a little grave for him so I can put flowers on it. Just keep those positive thoughts coming my way this week. I know I will need them. I have a really wonderful group of friends. I love you all very much.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

My Sweet Boy & a Difficult Decision

Well as many of you may know, I wrote early in the week about how my oldest cat Frosty is sick. I took him to the vet yesterday and it was much worse than I could have imagined. Turns out that is colon is not working at all and has several large masses in it. It is totally blocked. Also, his blood work shows that he is severely anemic & his liver isn't functioning hardly at all. The only option the vet thought might be possible is to do a risky surgery to try to help his colon. That would cost over $2000 and she honestly doesn't even know if it would help, or that he would even survive the surgery. Of course when she told me this, I was beyond devastated. He doesn't appear to be in any pain, he acts pretty close to normal, just not as much energy. Although she can't know for sure, the Dr says there is no way he can be so sick and not be suffering. The vet said that although she can't make the choice for me, she feels it would be best to put him to sleep. I didn't know what to do at the time. All I knew is I wanted to take him home to say goodbye. I told them that my dad would bring him back today to do "it". But my dad and mom felt like they should talk to the vet before then. I think they wanted to hear it directly from her because I was so hysterical by the time I got home. Daddy refused to take him today until he could hear it for himself. So my mom talked to the vet and she confirmed everything I told them. So now it is up to me. How long do we wait. Do we watch him suffer and die at home or do we put him out of his misery. I wish I had the courage to take him down there myself, but I know I can't. It's my baby and I don't think I could possibly be the one to hand him over. So I think my dad is going to take him the first of the week. I don't know, I can't even think straight. I feel like I am in a fog. I know he is just an animal, but he is my baby. He was with me through all the most difficult times in my life. He has listened to me cry and stayed in bed with me when I have been sick. I feel like I have failed him. I feel like if I had done something different, then things wouldn't be so bad.
Just keep me in your thoughts this weekend. I pray no one else ever has to make a decision like this.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday Musings

Hope all is well. I am so enjoying the cooler weather this week. It is amazing how much more pleasant I am when I don't sweat, LOL. I went to the new Chili's in Decatur last night with Paige, Kelly & Jennifer from work. Jennifer is our baby. She makes me thankful every day that I will never have to be 19 again. She can make me feel so old sometimes, but she is the sweetest thing ever. Kelly is too much like me for her own good. We get along great. She and I both are fairly mellow. If Kelly & I are pissed, you had better run because it won't be pretty. And lord knows that Paige is one of a kind. I love her dearly, like a little sister, but sometimes I want to smash her head in. She makes such stupid choices !!! She is leaving us in about 4 weeks to move to Birmingham with her fiancee. Lord help, there are SO many things to say about that, very few are good. I wish her well but I would be lying if I said I thought it would work. That means we are on the hunt for a new assistant at work. Heaven help me !!!!! Dr Hardy hates change and is so dragging his feet about interviewing people. I try to tell him that even though Kelly & I are good, LOL, we can't handle THAT much by ourselves. I am giving him until Friday and then I am going to try to nudge him in the right direction. I need a vacation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am very worried right now. There is something wrong with my oldest baby, Frosty. He will be 8 years old this fall but he is really sick. He has lost a lot of weight in the last month or so, just skin and bones. Nothing seems to help. I talked to one of our patients today who is real active in the Humane Society and is a real cat expert. After giving her all the symptoms, she thinks Frost has diabetes. Who knew cats could get diabetes !!!! Lord knows mine would. I am taking him to the vet Friday afternoon so they can do some blood work. My poor baby !!! I am so scared they are going to tell me something is bad wrong and we have to put him to sleep. I would be devastated. Wish us luck Friday. Bye for now

Monday, August 11, 2008

Quotes for Monday

Happy Monday all ! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was the usual, knee deep in the scrapbook store. I am going to have to work out some sort of schedule for myself and stick with it. I feel like that is all I do. I don't know when was the last time I just read a magazine or actually made something for myself. I just need to set aside certain times for packing and listing stuff. I just feel so guilty if I am not working on it. I am just going to have to snap right out of that.

When I got to work today, I couldn't help noticing that my page a day calendar had some super quotes on it this weekend so I thought I would share to get the week started off right. Here is the first one

"Character is what you know you are, not what others think you have."

and this one is my fav,

"Your passion is waiting for your courage to catch up."

That 2nd one is me in a nutshell. I wish I wasn't such the cowardly lion. Hope everyone has a great week and blogs some more soon.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Handbags, Happiness & Other Fun

It was a long week this week for some reason. I know it had to have been for my teacher friends too. Maybe it's the hot weather that makes it so unbearable. I can't wait for fall to be here. I love all the leaves, the football of course and going outside & being able to BREATH ! Not only that, there is so much fun to look forward too. I have birthdays, babies & a movie to look forward too yippee. All these summer blues and an article I read in a magazine got me to thinking. What things always make me happy? The article said everyone should have a list of fail safe things guaranteed to bring a smile & brighten your day. So, here is a list of my top things

1. Kendall's laugh
2. a new purse
3. the sound of my friends voices and laughter mingled together
4. anything Harry Potter
5. The smell & feel of a brand new unopened book
6. a really good black ink pen
7. the sound of a purring cat
8. butterflies
9. sour cream & onion lays potato chips w/ a big icy diet Dr pepper
10. anything with penguins, owls or fat little blue birds

I challenge all my blogging friends to think about what makes them smile. We can all look back on these lists on horrible days and remember to smile! I would love to see some blog posts this weekend. I think we are all lagging on our blog duties and I am ready to read about some back to school hijinks's, LOL. Oh and I thought I would leave you with a little quote. I got it off of a commercial for the show "Private Practice", the "Grey's Anatomy" spin-off. The lead character was saying something about "using handbags to fill the sexual void". Enlightening, LOL. I guess now I know why I need so many new purses ! HA HA. Have a fab weekend all.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Writing Plus Some Odds & Ends

Happy Tuesday all ! I hope everyone is having a super week. I know my teacher buddies are so thrilled to be back at work, NOT, LOL ! I meant to do a blog post last night but I got busy packing up my sales from the weekend for my dad to take to the post office. He is my super ebay helper. It is so crazy in the Decatur post office by McDonald's that I would spend my entire lunch just standing in line. So my very retired dad takes them to Danville for me. He is big buds with the ladies that work up there. He is such a flirt, silly old man, lol. My scrapbook stuff is selling well and that makes me super happy. I think I am going to start a little stash to save for a laptop. I need a computer that can be portable. I am too tied and have too much going on to be without my computer.

I have been thinking so much the last few days about writing. I have never really talked about it to anyone, but it is something that I have always thought of doing. My wonderful high school English teacher, Mrs. Fleming, used to tell me all the time that I had a gift. I never really believed her though. I used to read books & magazines about getting published right after I graduated from UNA, when I was having trouble finding a teaching job. Things started changing for me and I lost a lot of myself for quite awhile, especially when I was engaged. Then I had all the job and house drama so it just seemed so trivial, I didn't give it much thought. It was always a pipe dream. There were always more important things to worry about. For some reason though, for the last few weeks, I have had this urge building inside me. I know this might sound crazy, but its like all the words & stories are forcing their way out. I have had very specific characters in my head for years. I honestly don't know for how long. I think it all started when I was about 14 or 15. I was such a brooding lonely teenager who had no life. I was scared of my own shadow and hid from people as much as possible. So to make up for, I made up the characters in my head. They said and did all the things that I couldn't. These characters have stayed with me all these years, growing and changing and merging along the way. To tell these stories doesn't even seem like writing, like work to me. It is like television, I would just me writing down everything that I have seen and heard. Why am I so scared to just start typing then. Again, I know this sounds crazy, but it makes me feel so venerable. It is so intimate to me, to put these parts of me on paper. To have anyone read it would mean me being totally exposed. What if no one understood? What if everyone thought it was stupid? What if it just plain sucked. lol?

For some reason, I was just so crazed today, I just started typing this morning. Within 30 minutes, I had 6 pages of a story, or really more of a conversation, between 2 people. I don't even know where it came from. It was so thrilling and so terrifying at the same time when I printed them out. To see the words in black and white on a page was a real rush. I don't know what I was thinking. Paige kept asking me what was I up to. Then I did something totally insane. I actually handed it to her and told her to read it. I didn't tell her what it was or where it came from. I think she thought I had just printed some mess off the internet. She came back in a few minutes with a shocked look on her face. "You wrote this didn't you". I felt like I was standing buck naked in the middle of the beltline, LOL. I fessed up but told her not to be nice and tell me she liked it, I wanted to hear the brutally honest truth. She said she could tell it came from me. She could see me in the girl in the story. She was upset, she thought what I was writing about had really happened to me. I tried to explain all this mess to her but she just kept shaking her head. She said it was just like picking up any other book and reading it. Now granted, I don't always trust Paige's opinion & she is way more nice than I am when it comes to telling the truth, but she wasn't lying. She really did like it. She really did think it was good. She said I am insane if I don't do something about it. I think I might hyperventilate, LOL. It also doesn't help that I have an audience of English teachers, lol. I can just imagine what they would do to my grammar and punctuation.

Ok, so that is enough crazy mess for today. I do know that I feel this undeniable urge to write. So I guess I will try and go with it. Wish me luck. It is the scariest thing I have ever done. I hope everybody has a great week. I hope the kids at Tanner don't come back too wound up on Thursday. Chow for now !!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Too Hot !!!

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday, I didn't get in until late and was totally exhausted. I worked yesterday morning, the usual busy Friday. Then I went to Kelly's for her 31 party. I was glad to meet some of her old school friends that I hear so much about. I adore Kelly. I can't imagine working everyday without her. She and I are very similar in a lot of ways. Our goofy minds work alike most of the time, LOL. Then I got to go eat with 2 of my favorite people, Amelia & Jaime. We ended up sitting there talking after 10:30. We were just chatting about anything & everything. There are no words for how much I love these 2 girls. They are the sisters I never had.

So this morning I get up early. I got to go get my hair done finally. I have been putting it off for weeks. I either have plenty of time but no money, or I have the money & too much to get done. I must admit, Johnna outdid herself on the color this time. I LOVE it. It is a dark auburn color that is super shiny. I think it looks really good. I also got to hit up a few yard sales before I went. I love to go "junking" but I am too lazy to get up early on Saturdays and go. I found several cute things, and a super metal magazine rack for me room. I also went and checked out the sales at Goody's. I bought a purse, SHOCKER, LOL. And some jewels, because I don't have hardly any at all, HA !! I picked up several cute things on sale and even found a couple of baby presents (in blues of course). Finally I went by BAM to pick up my very own copy of "Breaking Dawn". I have to go back and read it again now when I have plenty of time and am not trying to skip around so much. Good Lord, I love Edward Cullen, lol. I think my dream man is a cross between him & Noah Calhoun. So naturally, this man probably doesn't exist. Oh well, I guess I am left to my books then.

I guess I need to go. I have to get some more stuff ready to put on ebay. I did really well Friday night with my first group of stuff. I am very encouraged. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.