Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Grateful Heart

I think that Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to do 2 posts in a row, lol. For me, that is some sort of record. I just wanted to take a minute to express how thankful I am for all the wonderful things in my life. I have wonderful parents who have gone above and beyond for me. They have supported me unconditionally over the years. There is no way I could ever express what they mean to me. I am also grateful for my incredible circle of friends. They are my hand picked family. I couldn't love them anymore if we were related by blood. They give me more love and support than they could ever realize. I don't say often enough how much they mean to me. I am also so thankful that I have a great job. It has it's bad days but the good times far out way the bad. I have a horrible habit of feeling sorry for myself. It is probably my worst trait. I want to take this time today to vow to try to do better about that. I don't ever want to forget how wonderful my life really is.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Stuffy Nose & Twilight

Isn't that just a lovely title, lol. Unfortunately, that has been my life since last week. Nothing exciting to blog about that's for sure. I missed by beloved book club meeting last Friday night due this sinus crud. I tried my best to make it, unfortunately poor Amelia was witness to the fact that I had no business there. Let's just say it wasn't pretty. So I slept or read magazines most of the weekend. I was about to bust to go see Twilight. I had promised the girls at work ages ago that we would all go see it together since I was the one who got them hooked on the story. So Monday night Paige, Kelly, Jennifer & I ate our fav Mexican food and the headed over to see Twilight. Amelia and Amber met us there. They had already seen the movie once but were dying for a second look. Amber is now a total Twilight convert too. She is even reading the books, which is a victory in and of itself. So, of course the movie isn't as good as the book. No movie ever is. But I really did enjoy the movie on it own. The eye candy alone is worth the price of admission. Robert Pattison is BEYOND dreamy !!!!! It was definitely worth the wait and the hype. Amber even begged the concession stand cashier and got me one of the free posters they were giving out with the purchase of a combo. I am such a nerd, but I was so excited !! I was also so excited to see the new Harry Potter preview on the big screen. All I can say is WOW ! I really think that this will be the best movie yet. I can't believe they are making us wait until July, AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Amelia and I have already made plans to go to the midnight showing. I am so taking that Friday off work. Of course I probably won't tell Dr Hardy the real reason I want to be off. He would laugh his head off and never let me live it down.

Bye for now all. I will have a big Thanksgiving post tomorrow. I have lots to be thankful for this year. Have a super day.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Obsessions & More

Happy Monday to all !! I hope everyone had a super weekend. The football was wonderful again. ROLL TIDE !! Let's just hope we can keep that up in a couple of weeks when we play Auburn. I don't know about you but I am itching for a win. I had a pretty quiet weekend. I don't know what has been wrong with me but I have been totally worthless for the last 2 weekends. All I want to do is sleep. I manage to get my laundry done and that's about it. I did get to visit with Jaime, Amelia and the kiddies on Friday night. I really needed the time with the girls. I have been feeling so glum lately. They always make me feel better. Kendall of course is always a hoot. I am in awe of that child's imagination. It is hard to believe she is only 2 sometimes. Landon is just about perfect. He is such a good baby. He looks just like his daddy but definitely has his mom's laid back personality.

I am so excited right now I am about to bust. The Twilight movie is coming out on Friday. YEAH !!! I so can't wait to see it. Robert Pattison is to die for !!!! Plus, there is going to be a new Harry Potter preview shown before the movie. In my little world, those 2 things together make life just about perfect :) I have mentioned before my obsession with the fan fiction for both Harry Potter and for Twilight. I read them all the time. No granted, there is a lot of garbage out there. Some stuff is very poorly written and others write about characters & situations that are just down right icky. But there is some really incredible stuff out there. I have decided to put a few links on here for some of my favorites.

These are a couple of Twilight stories

Here are a few of my Harry Potter favorites

Like I said, this is a total obsession of mine. Of course everyone knows I am working on a Harry Potter one of my own. I highly recommend these though. They are a super good read. I had better run. I will leave you with a quote that was on my daily desk calendar one day last week. I don't think it requires explanation, especially for some.

"I don't deserve any credit for turning the other cheek because my tongue is always in it." Flannery O'Conner.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Hello patriots !! Hope everyone had a good weekend. Sorry I haven't been that great of a blogger recently. I haven't been feeling well the last week or so. Thankfully, it is starting to pass. Hopefully I will be a more diligent blogger. I haven't really done anything grand this weekend. I watched the Alabama game on Saturday. Gotta love some college football. ROLL TIDE !!!! I am so in hopes we can make it to the national championship game. It has been wayyyy to long. I was a freshman in college the last time we won one for crying out loud !!!! LOL I have also been working on my ebay stuff. I am really starting to clear out a lot of my loot. Hopefully I can make enough money to buy my Christmas presents. For some reason I have been feeling so much stress about Christmas this year. Normally I would already have about half my shopping done. So far this year, I have bought one little thing for Kendall. It is driving me crazy !!!!

I watched the movie Juno tonight for the first time. I absolutely LOVE it. I laughed out loud the whole time. I would love to write a script like that. It was so witty and sarcastic !! I also ran across a great quote about creativity on one of my scrapbooking blogs. I really love it and it fits the way I few my own creativity.

Sometimes, it's so hard to find what it is I'm trying to say. People might think you can turn creativity on and off but it is not like that. It just kind of comes out, a mash up off all these things you collect in your mind. You never know when it's gonna happen, but when it's like magic. It's just that simple and just that hard. Gwen Stephani

I have been feeling very self conscious about writing lately. I have just gotten some negative feedback and it kinda squashed my confidence. I am really working to build it back, but it is kinda hard. Hopefully, I can get pass this block soon. I just wish I could figure out the key to getting past my fears!!!!! Hope to blog again soon. I would also love to READ some new blogs too, hint hint.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy !!

I wasn't sure if I would have time to blog tomorrow so I wanted to be sure to add this one tonight. Tomorrow is my dad's 70th birthday. I can't believe it, it sounds way older than I see him as. This is a very special picture to me. It is the only picture I have of my dad as a baby. He is the one on the right, with the hand holding him up. The other baby in the picture is his twin sister Betty. She died when they were only 4 months old of SIDS, My grandmother always said I looked like Betty but I think it was just wishful thinking on her part. She also joked with me all the time that I would have twins someday, because it skipped a generation. I guess I should be thankful that isn't really an option for me right now. I don't know if I would be ready for 2 little people right now. I hope to blog again later in the week. Hope everyone is well.