Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to everyone. I hope all the trick or treaters have a super day. I went to visit Amelia, Kendall and Landon this afternoon. I had to check out Kendall in her cute little witch outfit. She wasn't totally thrilled with it. She refused to wear her hat, which is how I ended up with it. You know I can't resist the opportunity to wear something stupid on my head. Isn't Landon adorable. He is just the sweetest little pumpkin ever. Poor Amelia wasn't feeling all that great. It has to be rough coming down from the hormone high. I hope see feels better soon. I have a busy weekend of ebay work planned. Hope everyone has a great weekend. ROLL TIDE !!

1 comment:

Arlene G said...

Have a good weekend on Ebay...send me that Etsy spot that we were talking about yesterday.