Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Monday

Hello folks. I hope everyone had a fabulous long weekend. I was feeling really sickly on Friday & Saturday but I feel better today. I have been working on my little ebay business all weekend. I am planning on taking off this coming weekend possibly. I have so many projects I need to be working on. So I think I am going to take next weekend as a crafty one. I have also been working on my Harry Potter story too. I have all of the first chapter finished, typed, saved and everything. I have bits & pieces of other chapters finished. Chapter 2 is very emotional and difficult so I am still working on it. Nothing much else new to tell here. I am excited about watching the new 90210 tomorrow night. I followed the original religiously. I just wish some of the original guys were going to be in the new one. Lord knows, I adored Luke Perry back in the day. It's funny, my very first key chain after I got my car was of Luke Perry. Goodness, that makes me feel OLD !! I also have to say how happy I am that Jaime & Bran are having a baby. Nothing makes me happier than being an aunt. I get to spoil until my little hearts content. Have a great week. I hope to hear from my blogging buddies soon.


Anonymous said...

West Beverly High Class of 93!!!! That is pretty old, lol. Keep working on the harry potter so we can get our fix.

Arlene G said...

I am with Amelia....where is that first chapter? I guess we could buy a copy!!lol!!Another business for you Christy.