Monday, September 8, 2008

Horrible Blogger Am I

Every week that I claim I am going to be this wonderful blogger, I never quite make it. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't fuss at anyone else for neglecting their blogging duties either. I had a pretty uneventful weekend. I tried to get some work done on some of my gift projects but as usual, not as much as I needed to. I am working on the invitations to Paige's bridal shower right now. I need to have those ready to mail by the middle of next week. I can't believe she is getting married this weekend. That just seems CRAZY to me !! I am going to have to buckle down on a couple of my baby things. Landon will be here before we know it.

I am going to try to work some more on my story this week. I have the first 3 chapters worked out in my head now, I just need to get them in the computer. Hopefully I will have some more to post later this week. I have also started on Bunny Tales for our lovely book club. Definitely not my normal read that's for sure. It is not all that bad though. I haven't gotten into the details of her time in the Playboy mansion yet. My only technical comment so far is that I hope she wrote this herself and didn't pay a ghost writer to help her. If she did, she should get her money back because they didn't help anything. There are so many errors it is crazy.

Chow for now. Please send all your prayers and good wishes to my friend Amanda. She is having some trouble with her blood pressure at the end of her pregnancy. I have total faith that she & Camden will be just fine.


azhulsey said...

Thanks for the prayers! I really appreciate that. AND YES! The book is chocked (sp?) full of errors. It drove the English teacher in me absolutely nuts! You will be happy to know that I have borrowed the Twilight books from my friend to read since I have plenty of spare time now :) I'll let you know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Bunny Tales is....interesting if nothing else. the bad thing is she is supposed to be smart! HA!