Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where Were You ?

I can't help but think about where I was and what I was thinking seven years ago today. I think we are all doing that. September 11 will always be burned into our brains as one of those watershed moments in life. I was running late for work that morning. I was always running late back then. I was putting on my jewelry and watching Good Morning America like always. They were talking about reports of a plane hitting the Trade Center. Then I saw it, I watched the 2nd plane hit the towers. It was like watching something out of the disaster movies my mom loves so much. This couldn't possibly be real, and it sure has heck couldn't be happening in New York City. I tried all the radio stations, trying to find anything else out in the car on the way to work. When I finally got to Family Security, no one else knew what was happening. They of course had all been on time and had missed everything. I will never forget how ironic it was that it was the United Way Day of Caring that day and we all had on our t shirts. Those shirts were red, white and blue and had the date on them, September 11, 2001. I still have that shirt. I have never worn it since that day but I can't bring myself to get rid of it. It is a tiny tangible reminder for me. I also remember watching the cars line up at the USA gas station that we could see from the front doors of the credit union. No one knew what was going to happen next. Would we be attacked next because we were so close to Brown's Ferry or the Arsenal in Huntsville? It was a scary time.

Today I try to watch the news and the memorials but I just get frustrated and angry. In this political season, everyone wants to turn this day into some sort of political statement for the election. I personally don't think that is the way those who died that day would want to be remembered, as political pawns. I choose to remember them as accidental heroes. They all had homes, favorite things and friends and family that meant the world to them. I think they would want to us spend today being grateful for those things we cherish in our own lives. Never ever take anyone or anything for granted. You never know what will happen next.

There was a quote on my daily calendar at work on Monday and I saved it until today to post. I think it sums up how we should all look at life.

"I have found that the only things I have to regret are the things I did not do."

Don't leave anything undone or unsaid. I love you all !!


Jaime said...

great blog christy. i agree with you whole-heartedly.

Arlene G said...

It is good to remember the victims of 9-11. Sometimes I think that we have forgotten the price they paid.