Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rain Makes Me Sleepy

Shocker I know, 2 posts in one week. I told you I would try to do better. I didn't get to post yesterday like I thought but 1 day late isn't so bad. Today is such a dreary rainy day. These sorts of days always make me sleepy. I wish I could be at home taking a nap, listening to the rain hitting the window behind my bed. That has to be the most peaceful sound in the world. There is one bright spot to the rain though. It washes away all that icky pollen that is stopping up my nose and making my eyes water so much.

I was so excited that my Twilight movie came in the mail yesterday. Of course I had to watch it again right away. It was much better the 2nd time. Of course it is still not as good as the book but I still love it. Edward is just beyond dreamy in my humble opinion. I tend to agree with a t shirt I saw online the other day, "Boys in books are better!"

I am thrilled that everyone likes my little necklaces. The girls at work really love them too. I did a large order for Kelly's cheerleading group of 21 for their end of the season gifts. I hope to have a bunch up in my etsy store this weekend so I will let you know when I do.

p.s. I am so glad that Denise Richards was voted off Dancing with the Stars. I really didn't like her. I think she is just a touch crazy, lol.


Anonymous said...

LOL I was not a fan of Denise either! I kept waiting on her to try and hook up with Max!!!! Of course, Holly Madison is not my fave either.....but there is always next week!

MY WORDS said...

Denise did need to go, she didn't have a dancing bone in her body! Glad your necklaces are going well!

azhulsey said...

Denise was quite terrible, wasn't she? Holly is a close 2nd too. It amazes me how these beautiful skinny girls have no rhythm! I loved it when they told Holly she lookd like a baby deer! So true!!!