Thursday, December 31, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

Hello strangers. It has been WAYYY too long since I did a blog. I figured New Years Eve was as good an opportunity as any to start back up. I could give a million and one excuses for not blogging but they are all just that.....excuses. One of my goals for next year is to do a much better job with it. I enjoy it a lot and I find it to be very cathartic.

I must confess, New Years is my LEAST favorite time of year. I have always found it to be unbearably sad. I usually find myself crying at some point on New Years Eve or New Years day. It is just the most depressing time for me. I don't really have a good explanation for why that is. I guess for me, the end of the year is a time to reflect on everything you have done and too me anyway, nothing is ever enough. I fight with feelings of failure every day so this time of year just makes it so much worse. I know on the rational side of my brain that I have so many wonderful things to be thankful for and have been blessed beyond measure. It is the funky side of my brain that I have to fight with. I think tonight I will find some foolproof way to make me happy, maybe a Harry Potter marathon or something. Or maybe I will watch Twilight. What better way to spend this evening than with my favorite vampires, LOL LOL.

I also have a HUGE problem with making resolutions. I hate the word. Again, I just feel like if you label things as resolutions, then they are doomed to fail. So I prefer to call my aspirations for new year my GOALS. Everyone needs a goal right?? My goals are fairly simple. I want to become healthier. I am not going to get all wrapped up in losing x amount of weight or making it to a particular size. I just want to feel better, whatever that takes. I also want to make more times for the things I love. I tend to put off things I enjoy doing because I feel like there is something else more important. I really want to work on my scrapbooking more, especially the old family pictures I have. It is so important to tell all the stories. I also want to strive to be a better friend. Sometimes I feel like I am too selfish, getting all wrapped up in my own nonsense. I want to do a better job this year of showing those I love how special they are to me.

Ok, so that is enough of my melancholy ranting for today. Tomorrow, I hope to jump back on with my alphabet blog with the fabulous letter J. I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Years Eve. God Bless !! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't be down and out, cause that aint what life should be about! (to quote a miranda lambert song) you are a great friend and you have accomplished a lot this year with your crafts! Happy New Year!!!