Monday, June 29, 2009

Easy E !!

Hello strangers. I always seem to have some dumb excuse for not blogging like I should. I hate to keep saying it's because I am busy but it's true. As if I didn't have enough to keep me busy, I have signed up to do a craft show in Hartselle on July 18th. I will be selling my rings, pendants and some cute hair clips I have been doing. I hope everyone can come and check out my booth. Kelly will be there too with her great painted stuff. Now, on the the marvelous letter E.

Ebay - what can I say, I have been an ebay addict since about 2001. I have bought and sold stuff on there forever. There is absolutely nothing that can't be found on there. Not to mention
that it is usually cheaper than anywhere else. Love it love it. If you have never shopped on there beware though, it will become addictive.

Etsy - This is a fabulous little website I discovered about a year or so ago. It is packed with all
sorts of handmade item and supplies. It has some beautiful stuff on it. I think the last several baby and wedding gifts I have gotten have been off there. It is great for special personalized items. I even have my little shop on there. Please if you never have, stop by and check it out. Here is the link Stop by and support all us crafty folks out there

Eiffel Tower - I adore anything and everything with the Eiffel Tower on it. All my friends keep
their eyes open and have gotten me some wonderful things over the years. I really started my obsession after visiting Paris in 2001. Being at the top of the Eiffel Tower is the coolest thing EVER !!! Of course, if you ask my friend Cindy, she will tell you that I loved it so much because I was high on a jelly doughnut, lol I had a spell with my blood sugar so we stopped and ate at this beautiful little park right underneath the Tower. I had a French version of a hot dog and a raspberry jelly doughnut. It was the BOMB !! OK, so Cindy has been convinced that I got high off the sugar in the doughnut and was acting a fool. I prefer to think of it as being giddy with the moment, LOL LOL. So this became my favorite place in Paris so I have been collecting things ever since. I don't really have room to put out all my goodies now, they are in storage. Someday, I will have a house to display it all again.

England -- I have been totally obsessed with British history for years, ever since middle school.I read Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and The Wives of Henry VIII and I was hooked I honestly prefer it to American History most of the time. I have always dreamed of getting my PhD in history and my concentration would be the Tudor period, with Henry VIII and ElizabethI. I have been to London and I was in heaven. The Tower of London was too cool. I would have got to see Queen Elizabeth's grave but some grouchy monks in Westminister Abbey ran us out !!!! If you check out my bookcase at home right now, 75% of the books have something to do with either England with a few about France. Maybe this is why I love Harry Potter so much. I am just a sucker for a British accent, lol.

Edward Cullen - Ok so I have to give a shout out to the most wonderful romantic fictional character EVER. The only other one to come close would be Noah Calhoun. It also doesn't hurt that his real life alter ego, Robert Pattison, is beyond dreamy. Just another reason to heart a British accent. Too bad he couldn't keep it for the movies.

This is my E entry for today. I hope everyone enjoys it. I hope to blog again this week. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Oh, one more little soap box moment before I go. Yes, I know he was weird. No, I don't think he was a pedophile, I think he was a sad lonely mentally ill man. But I cried Thursday when Michael Jackson died. I LOVED his music. Always have, always will. Would I have invited him to dinner or asked him to watch my kids, lord no. What I don't have a lot of tolerance for is people who just want to spew hate and venom at the dead. Let him have his moment of memorial because he was a great artist. Then let the dead rest in peace. Now, I really am finished for the day :) Hope everyone has a great week. I look foward to seeing my girls on Friday night for a big birthday palooza !!!


Jaime said...

You thought of stuff that I should have! I heart Ebay and I need to remember to shop from Etsy. As for MJ, I love his music, but his death just didn't affect me. I am sorry that it made you sad.

Purple Treasures said...

I don't know that I was sad about him as a person. I think it was more like a piece of my childhood, if that makes any sense.

azhulsey said...

Love this blog...wish I had thought to include England in my "E" blog. I loved it there! I hope go back one day and take Camden and David. Can't wait to see you Friday!! Oh, and I would LOVE to come to the craft show in Hartselle...maybe I can get James and Melly to come with me. I adore craft shows!