Owls - I am not really sure when it started but I have fallen deeply in love with all things owl. They are just so cute with their expressive little faces. I have started quite a nice collection of owl goodies. Right now they are really popular so it is easy to find stuff. I can't wait until I get to go to the Harry Potter theme park where they have a whole store of owl things. Someone will have to sit on me to keep me from spending a million dollars in there, lol.
Harry Potter - Speaking of owls, I have to give a shout out to my favorite books and movies of all time. I don't think I can trust someone who doesn't love JK Rowling and the marvelous world she created. I have read all the books several times and I know all the movies by heart. I never ever get tired of it. I am so excited about the last movie coming out in July. It will be sad th0ugh, I will have to have some tissues with me because I feel sure I will cry at the end. I hold out eternal hope that Ms. Rowling will eventually give in and write some more about the Harry Potter world.
Crafts - I am a crafty girl. I come by it honest, my mom has always been the most creative person I know. I have worked hard and built a great creative space with all the toys and such that you could want. I love jewelry making and I have turned it into quite a little business. I have always loved stickers and pretty pieces of paper so that made the scrapbooking a no brainer. It is also a wonderful way to record the history of your life (yes I know I am corny). My newest love is painting. I bought some great stuff today to work on some collage style paintings I have in my head. I will have to post some pictures when I get them done. I really do wish I knew how to sew, but I am totally disfunctional with a needle. I have been banned from my mom's sewing machine since I was little. Maybe one day I can find a good class to help my dysfunction.
Twilight Fan Fiction - I don't really know where this love came from, but it is an obsession for me. I follow dozens of stories and the writers are amazing. Most of the are better than Stephanie Meyer. Most of them just take the character names and a few character traits and then build their own stories around that. The most frustrating part is that if you find a story at the beginning, you have to wait for them to be updated one chapter at a time. Some writers are really good and update once or twice or week. Some will leave you hanging for a month. I have been know to squeel outloud when one of my favorites is updated. I just wish someone else would read them to so I had someone to discuss them with. It is really good stuff people !!!!
I could go on for days about favorite colors (purple and red), Paris stuff, good ink pens, new books and all the other things that make me smile. I will leave it here for now. Sorry I only included one picture, my computer is acting foolish. It is time I break down and get a new one. This one is overloaded with all the graphics I use for my jewelry and the gazillion pictures I have saved on it. Looks like Staples will get my tax refund this year, lol. See you guys later :)
YEAH! can't wait for our hp trip whenever it happens! lolz. maybe we will have more traveling companions by then! and i will try to not let you spend a million dollars on owl memoribilia!
I also love me a good pen :) You are doing great on your challenge! I'm trying to follow suit and be a good blog friend! Lovins!
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