Friday, January 9, 2009

Things on My Mind

I know, try to control your shock. I am blogging 2 days in a row, lol. I guess I just feel like sharing right now.

- today we interviewed a girl at work that I really really liked. Her name is April and she is moving up here from Tuscaloosa to be closer to her fiance and her best friend. I really hope Dr. Hardy would give her a chance. I really think she would fit in really well with us.

- I am worried about my friend Jennifer. I found out from Jaime that she has been having premature labor. I am praying that her and the girls can hold on for a couple more weeks.

- I got 2 magazines in the mail today and both were featuring acid wash jeans for spring. OMG !!! As if they weren't hideous enough the first time around. I can safely say that this is one fad I will NOT be partaking in a 2nd time. I hope my taste has improved since 7th grade, LOL LOL.

- I may never eat corn dogs again without laughing. This whole jail business is absolutely crazy. I mean come on, they don't deserve steak and lobster but they are still people. I could understand it all if the sheriff wasn't pocketing all the extra money. It might not be illegal but it is 7 ways of immoral and unethical. Not to mention the fact that Morgan County law enforcement as made of the butt of the state and national news for 2 weeks now. Good Grief !!

- I have told all of you before about my love for fan fiction short stories. Yes, I know that some of them can be racy but not all of them are. There are some that are really really good. I discovered another new one yesterday and I LOVE it. The language is harsh but the story way overrides it. I wouldn't care if the character names were from Twilight or not. I would love it regardless. You should check it out. It is called "Wide Awake"

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

i love random blogs. i have not heard this about acid washed jeans and like skinny jeans, i will not follow this one either! i guess i will just be uncool, lol.

Jaime said...

look at you little blogger! i hope things work out with the girl at work.