Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Monday

Hi everyone. Sorry I didn't post of the weekend. I have been feeling so wiped out the last few days. Plus, it's not like I have such a spine tingling life to report on, LOL. Friday I had lunch at Logan's with Amelia & Amber. That was great. I don't see Amber very often anymore. Saturday I worked all day taking pictures of stuff for ebay. I am trying really hard to keep cleaning out all the scrapbook stuff. It is starting to dwindle done some, but it is still taking up half my scrapbook room. Sunday was a blah sort of day, I didn't really feel like doing much of anything. I have to get more motivated. I have so many projects I need to be working on.

I am glad to hear that Amanda is feeling a little better. Camden will be here before we know it. I am super excited about our book club meeting on Friday. I can't wait to see what book Melanie will pick for us. She and I read the same sorts of things so I have faith she will pick something great.

I have been trying to figure out a way to organize my thoughts & ideas better for my writing. It is something I have really been struggling with. I tend to jump around so much, I don't really think in any sort of logical order. I have been thinking about getting some sort of little tape recorder, like you have in college to record lectures. That way I can record stuff when I am in the car and then go back and type it when I have a chance. Does anybody else have any ideas? I am also thinking about taking a creative writing class if I can find one. I think it might help me to fine tune some things, especially writing dialogue, which is really tough for me. Send any ideas you might have my way. Hopefully I will be requesting some proof readers soon. Hope everyone has a great Monday. I love that the weather is starting to feel like fall !!


Arlene G said...

Hey!!We titled our blogs the same thing. I guess we were feeling the same..kind of blah. lol...Keep up your writing!

azhulsey said...

Can't wait to see ya Friday night!

Melanie said...

I think the tape recorder is a great idea. That way you can just whip it out whenever you have one of those awesome ideas! :) I hope you will like the book I chose. I don't know if I can live up to your expectations! Ha! See ya Friday!

Anonymous said...

The tape recorder thing is great....I can't wait to read some more of your writing.