Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Random Musings on a Rainy Day

What a yucky morning. This would definitely be the day to stay in bed and read. I am jealous of my teacher friends that are off for spring break this week. I am staying busy trying to get together things for the new store. I have a couple of really neat ideas that I will hopefully have up and going by this weekend. Eventually I want to start doing some custom work, like invitations and favors and such. Unfortunately that just takes time. I need to find a way to add and extra day to the week that I don't have to work.

Now, my thoughts on the Easter bunny. I was in the mall on Friday and I noticed the Easter bunny set up by Belks taking pictures with the kids. That was the scariest bunny I have ever seen with his huge plastic head. No wonder kids scream when they sit on his lap. I would scream too. So don't be surprised if your child doesn't cooperate. It was just really bizarre looking.


decadentdiamond said...

haha! .. I would have loved to see a photo of this!

Unknown said...

hahahahahha that is classic - i love the intro into the easter bunny. I agree - scary stuff. kinda like why kids scream and cry when they are forced to sit on a strange santa lap!

nice blog!

kiddlebug said...

The bunny pictures idea must be new. Way to give the kids something else to freak out about!
I couldn't find a link to your etsy shop on your page. You should put one in there!