Monday, July 6, 2009


Hello all! I hope everyone had a great 4th. I just had a quiet one at home. I am still working to get stuff ready for my craft show. I know I promised to have more pictures up and I promise I will later this week. So now I am on the wonderful little letter known as F.

Frosty - My sweet baby boy kitty. I miss him every single day. I can't believe he has been gone for 7 months now. I still haven't been able to go visit his little grave that Daddy fixed. I would really love to find one of those little stones that I can put his name on. I have seen them before in some catalog but I can't remember where. I am so grateful that I still have Buffy and Willow. They brighten every day for me.

Friends - Wow, this is such a special topic for me. You know, growing up, I didn't have a lot of friends. I had 1 best friend and a few others but that was about it. I never really felt like I fit in all that well. It wasn't until I became an adult that I found any true blue soul mate sort of friends. I thank God every day for bringing so many wonderful people into my life. And the book club has just added more wonderful folks to my group of friends. I am the kind of person who doesn't use the word "friend" to describe lots of folks. I only give that title to ones I think deserve it. That is why it is very painful to me when I come to realize that someone doesn't deserve that title anymore. It really breaks my heart. I am still working through one of those heartbreaks now.

FSCU - Good ole' Family Security Credit Union. It is so appropriate that I put this right along with the topic of friends. While it was a horrible place to work with some really crazy mean spirited awful also gave me the greatest gift of my 2 dear friends Amelia and Jaime. I don't know how I could make it without them. Through them I have met almost all my other friends as well. So no matter how miserable that wretched place made me sometimes, it is impossible to not give them credit for changing who I am today. And lord knows it gave us an endless supply of crazy stories to tell, lol.

Food World - Wow, this one brings back some really complex emotions. I got my first job ever as a cashier at Food World on April 1, 1992 and stayed there until May of 2001. I met my wonderful friend Cindy there. I had my heart shattered there. I lived and learned, laughed and cried and grew so much as an individual while there. It will always remain a significant period in my life. I can't shop there though... call it post traumatic stress disorder. I know Cindy understands that, LOL.

France - I have a thing for all things French. It goes back to college. I signed up for a course at UNA called Renaissance and Reformation. The teacher turned out to be this incredibly good looking 28 year old new professor. I signed up for any and every class he taught. Since his specialty was French history, I learned tons of stuff about France and became hooked. He really was a excellent teacher. I really want to learn French. That is one of my main goals right now. I think it would help with all the books about French history that I read.

Fan Fiction - This is my latest total obsession. I discovered it about a year ago and can't get enough. For those who don't know, fan fiction is a very broad title for stories that are based on characters from books, tv or movies. I read only Harry Potter or Twilight stories. Some follow very closely with the "canon" story laid out in the originals. Other stories go off in the total opposite direction. There are some that are total garbage but there are many that are really excellent and well written. Yes, there are some that are very....smutty... for lack of a better word. But I only like the ones with a strong story behind them too. Some really have nothing at all to do with the original works, they just use the characters names. I have tons I can recommend if you are interested. But I feel the need to warn you, you will become totally addicted !!!!

I guess that is enough for F. Hope everyone has a super week. Looks like a busy one as usual for me.