Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hair Woes

Ok, here is the truth. I HATE my hair. I love the color, but it has no style to it right now. It is just hanging there, getting on my nerves. I want to do something new with it but I am at a loss. I am going to have it done a week from Friday. Any ideas you can send me I would love. I have been looking around for some inspiration but I haven't come up with anything. Hopefully one of you will have a brilliant idea.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend Update, Shower and More

Hi everyone. Hope you had a great weekend. My has been fairly quiet except for today. Today we had a shower for Paige, one of my friends from work. Here is a picture of Kelly, Jennifer, Paige & I. She actually got married about 2 weeks ago but we didn't have time to get her shower together before she and Chris went to Gatlinburg. She is having a baby the last week of April, about the same time as Jaime. We had a really great time. She got tons of really pretty stuff.
I haven't really done much else this weekend. I watched a lot of football yesterday. ROLL TIDE !!! Now that was an awesome football game !! I have been so tired and gloomy lately. I really need to try to break out of this funk. I worked on my Harry Potter story this weekend. I have several chapters done but I think it is too much to post on here. I am not sure how to get the story to anyone. If you would like to read it, just send me your email and I can try to send you the Word file. I wish there was a way to put a link on here but I am not sure how to do that. I also have a random chapter of an original story. I am still working on a good organizational system for my ideas.
I hope everyone has a great week. I am anxious to hear more news on all the impending babies.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Quote and More

I had the funniest quote on my calendar at work today that I wanted to share. It is very appropriate for all the single folks out there like me

"Men are like parking spaces.....the good ones are either too small or they are already taken."

HA !!! I just had a big hoot out of that one.

I need to ask for some help on my Harry Potter story. I need a name for a new house elf that we haven't met before. I been racking my brain for a couple of weeks but I can't come up with anything, so please send me your suggestions. I need this name before I can write and send out the next chapter.

I decided to reread Twilight while I was waiting on my copy of The Pact to come in. I love it even more this time around. I am excited to see the movie. I just hope they don't mess it up too badly. I have also started on my first original story today. Hopefully I will have a sample up toward the end of the week.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week in Review

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. I know that all my Alabama fan friends definitely have. ROLL TIDE !!

This week has been fairly quite. For some reason I have felt like crap all week. I have been feeling just totally drained, like I could sleep for days. I am hoping after taking it easy this weekend that I will feel better this week. Work is work right now. Things had gotten really stressful for a week or so for no really good reason. Everyone just seemed to be on edge and really snippy. We sat down and had a talk and I think the mood will be better. I think we were all just feeding off each other's funk right now. I think that is the price you pay for working with 4 other people in a fish bowl. You have to get along with each other or life is pretty miserable.

We had the first real meeting of our super book club on Friday night. We had SO much fun. All the girls are so funny. We really seemed to click well. I don't think I will ever look at boy shorts or wet towels quite the same way again after our conversations on the Bunny Tales. I am excited about our new book called The Pact. I have never read it but I have heard of the author. I definitely think it will be a better read than the last one. We put off our next meeting until November. The next time we meet, there will be 3 new babies in attendance. That will be so much fun !! I also really appreciate all the great encouragement and feedback from the girls on my writing. It really means a lot to me for have that support for something that is really near and dear to my heart. It really is a dream of mine that I have had ever since high school. I have kept it hidden for a long time because I felt I wasn't good enough. Who knows, maybe one of these days the can read one of my books and tell me what they think. That would be awesome.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week and posts some new blogs. We are slipping girls !!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Monday

Hi everyone. Sorry I didn't post of the weekend. I have been feeling so wiped out the last few days. Plus, it's not like I have such a spine tingling life to report on, LOL. Friday I had lunch at Logan's with Amelia & Amber. That was great. I don't see Amber very often anymore. Saturday I worked all day taking pictures of stuff for ebay. I am trying really hard to keep cleaning out all the scrapbook stuff. It is starting to dwindle done some, but it is still taking up half my scrapbook room. Sunday was a blah sort of day, I didn't really feel like doing much of anything. I have to get more motivated. I have so many projects I need to be working on.

I am glad to hear that Amanda is feeling a little better. Camden will be here before we know it. I am super excited about our book club meeting on Friday. I can't wait to see what book Melanie will pick for us. She and I read the same sorts of things so I have faith she will pick something great.

I have been trying to figure out a way to organize my thoughts & ideas better for my writing. It is something I have really been struggling with. I tend to jump around so much, I don't really think in any sort of logical order. I have been thinking about getting some sort of little tape recorder, like you have in college to record lectures. That way I can record stuff when I am in the car and then go back and type it when I have a chance. Does anybody else have any ideas? I am also thinking about taking a creative writing class if I can find one. I think it might help me to fine tune some things, especially writing dialogue, which is really tough for me. Send any ideas you might have my way. Hopefully I will be requesting some proof readers soon. Hope everyone has a great Monday. I love that the weather is starting to feel like fall !!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where Were You ?

I can't help but think about where I was and what I was thinking seven years ago today. I think we are all doing that. September 11 will always be burned into our brains as one of those watershed moments in life. I was running late for work that morning. I was always running late back then. I was putting on my jewelry and watching Good Morning America like always. They were talking about reports of a plane hitting the Trade Center. Then I saw it, I watched the 2nd plane hit the towers. It was like watching something out of the disaster movies my mom loves so much. This couldn't possibly be real, and it sure has heck couldn't be happening in New York City. I tried all the radio stations, trying to find anything else out in the car on the way to work. When I finally got to Family Security, no one else knew what was happening. They of course had all been on time and had missed everything. I will never forget how ironic it was that it was the United Way Day of Caring that day and we all had on our t shirts. Those shirts were red, white and blue and had the date on them, September 11, 2001. I still have that shirt. I have never worn it since that day but I can't bring myself to get rid of it. It is a tiny tangible reminder for me. I also remember watching the cars line up at the USA gas station that we could see from the front doors of the credit union. No one knew what was going to happen next. Would we be attacked next because we were so close to Brown's Ferry or the Arsenal in Huntsville? It was a scary time.

Today I try to watch the news and the memorials but I just get frustrated and angry. In this political season, everyone wants to turn this day into some sort of political statement for the election. I personally don't think that is the way those who died that day would want to be remembered, as political pawns. I choose to remember them as accidental heroes. They all had homes, favorite things and friends and family that meant the world to them. I think they would want to us spend today being grateful for those things we cherish in our own lives. Never ever take anyone or anything for granted. You never know what will happen next.

There was a quote on my daily calendar at work on Monday and I saved it until today to post. I think it sums up how we should all look at life.

"I have found that the only things I have to regret are the things I did not do."

Don't leave anything undone or unsaid. I love you all !!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Horrible Blogger Am I

Every week that I claim I am going to be this wonderful blogger, I never quite make it. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't fuss at anyone else for neglecting their blogging duties either. I had a pretty uneventful weekend. I tried to get some work done on some of my gift projects but as usual, not as much as I needed to. I am working on the invitations to Paige's bridal shower right now. I need to have those ready to mail by the middle of next week. I can't believe she is getting married this weekend. That just seems CRAZY to me !! I am going to have to buckle down on a couple of my baby things. Landon will be here before we know it.

I am going to try to work some more on my story this week. I have the first 3 chapters worked out in my head now, I just need to get them in the computer. Hopefully I will have some more to post later this week. I have also started on Bunny Tales for our lovely book club. Definitely not my normal read that's for sure. It is not all that bad though. I haven't gotten into the details of her time in the Playboy mansion yet. My only technical comment so far is that I hope she wrote this herself and didn't pay a ghost writer to help her. If she did, she should get her money back because they didn't help anything. There are so many errors it is crazy.

Chow for now. Please send all your prayers and good wishes to my friend Amanda. She is having some trouble with her blood pressure at the end of her pregnancy. I have total faith that she & Camden will be just fine.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Monday

Hello folks. I hope everyone had a fabulous long weekend. I was feeling really sickly on Friday & Saturday but I feel better today. I have been working on my little ebay business all weekend. I am planning on taking off this coming weekend possibly. I have so many projects I need to be working on. So I think I am going to take next weekend as a crafty one. I have also been working on my Harry Potter story too. I have all of the first chapter finished, typed, saved and everything. I have bits & pieces of other chapters finished. Chapter 2 is very emotional and difficult so I am still working on it. Nothing much else new to tell here. I am excited about watching the new 90210 tomorrow night. I followed the original religiously. I just wish some of the original guys were going to be in the new one. Lord knows, I adored Luke Perry back in the day. It's funny, my very first key chain after I got my car was of Luke Perry. Goodness, that makes me feel OLD !! I also have to say how happy I am that Jaime & Bran are having a baby. Nothing makes me happier than being an aunt. I get to spoil until my little hearts content. Have a great week. I hope to hear from my blogging buddies soon.